SwiftUI Masonry

SwiftUI views that arrange their children in a Pinterest-like layout.



A view that arranges its children in a horizontal masonry.


ScrollView(.horizontal) {
    HMasonry(rows: 2) {
        //Masonry content


  • rows: The number of rows in the masonry.
  • placementMode: The placement of subviews in the masonry.
  • horizontalSpacing: The distance between horizontally adjacent subviews, or nil if you want the masonry to choose a default distance for each pair of subviews.
  • verticalSpacing: The distance between vertically adjacent subviews, or nil if you want the masonry to choose a default distance for each pair of subviews.
  • content: A view builder that creates the content of this masonry.


A view that arranges its children in a vertical masonry.


ScrollView(.vertical) {
    VMasonry(columns: 2) {
        //Masonry content


  • columns: The number of columns in the masonry.
  • placementMode: The placement of subviews in the masonry.
  • horizontalSpacing: The distance between horizontally adjacent subviews, or nil if you want the masonry to choose a default distance for each pair of subviews.
  • verticalSpacing: The distance between vertically adjacent subviews, or nil if you want the masonry to choose a default distance for each pair of subviews.
  • content: A view builder that creates the content of this masonry.


A view that arranges its children in a masonry.


ScrollView(.vertical) {
    Masonry(.vertical, lines: 2) {
        //Masonry content


  • axis: The layout axis of this masonry.
  • lines: The number of lines in the masonry.
  • placementMode: The placement of subviews in the masonry.
  • horizontalSpacing: The distance between horizontally adjacent subviews, or nil if you want the masonry to choose a default distance for each pair of subviews.
  • verticalSpacing: The distance between vertically adjacent subviews, or nil if you want the masonry to choose a default distance for each pair of subviews.
  • content: A view builder that creates the content of this masonry.


  • iOS 14.0+, macOS 11.0+, tvOS 14.0+ or watchOS 7.0+
  • Xcode 12.0+



@ciaranrobrien on Twitter.


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