Text A text expanding automation tool for macOS A text expanding automation tool for macOS 01 February 2023
Buttons A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content 28 July 2022
SwiftUI SimpleExpandableView - A SwiftUI view which can collapse and expand the content SimpleExpandableView - A SwiftUI view which can collapse and expand the content 21 May 2022
Expandable Expand the text with the more button with SwiftUI Expand the text with the more button with SwiftUI 14 October 2021
ListView Display your SwiftyJSON data on an expandable list view Display your SwiftyJSON data on an expandable list view. 23 September 2019
Menu A library for creating cool expandable menus AirBar is a library for creating cool Expandable menus. Library observes UIScrollView scroll and provides state you can apply to your UI elements. 10 January 2019