This App have ears, Start Achieving more in your day-2

Our Challenge

Develop to-do list that is assessable to people with vision problems which help them achieve more

The Solution and Technology

The Solution

Our solution is Taskit, an app that runs on your apple watch Taskit allows the user to add tasks using voice recognition

  • no signup needed ?

Download it and start achieving more simple and quick ?

Technology Used

  • Realm By MongoDB

For storing local data we’ve used realm By MongoDB

  • So What is Realm ? ?

The Realm is an object and mobile database. It’s a data-storage solution for mobile and web development. A simpler definition would be that the Realm is where your app’s or website’s data is stored and managed. One could say that the Realm mobile database is the perfect replacement for SQLite and Core Data.

Realm offers a database solution for development languages Java, Kotlin, Swift, Obj-C, JavaScript, and .NET. You can use the Swift Package Manager (SPM), CocoaPods, or Carthage to add Realm to your development project. We found that SPM is the quickest and easiest way to get started. Read more

  • UserNotifications

IOS provides a framework UserNotfications called that help developer push local notification to the app user

some resource about UserNotifications

App Demo ⌚️

  • Onboarding ?


  • Main Pages


  • This App also Support Arabic


Download Our App

[Click here]

Challenge Summary ?

Taskit is an application for people with memory,vision problems who needs help to do their daily tasks without forgetting them,so that they feel better about themselves

Screenshot 1444-06-21 at 2 42 20 AM

Developer Team ?‍??‍? ?

@Duaa @Shaden


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