
The Bloc Pattern is a way to separate UI and Logic in SwiftUI codes.
The Bloc is like a state machine where it accepts an event and produce a state.


To run the example project, clone this repo, and open iOS Example.xcworkspace from the iOS Example directory.


macOS(.v10_15), iOS(.v13), tvOS(.v14), watchOS(.v6)


Add this to your project using Swift Package Manager. In Xcode that is simply: File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency... and you're done. Alternative installations options are shown below for legacy projects.


If you are already using CocoaPods, just add 'SwiftUIBloc' to your Podfile then run pod install.


  1. Create Event and State :
enum CounterEvent: EventBase {
    case increase
    case decrease
enum CounterState: StateBase {
    case initial
    case counter(Int)
  1. Extend Bloc and override mapEventToState and use yield to dispatch states:
final class CounterBloc: Bloc<CounterEvent, CounterState> {
    private var count = 0
    override func mapEventToState(_ event: CounterEvent) {
        switch event {
        case .increase:
            count += 1
        case .decrease:
            count -= 1

Bloc Views

You can easily monitor bloc.state in your view's body and show the proper view base on that.
To remove some boilerplate there are couple of views you can use:


BlocBuilderView is a View which requires a Bloc and a @ViewBuilder. BlocBuilderView handles building the view in response to new states.

BlocBuilderView(bloc: bloc) { state in
    // return view based on bloc state

You can control when the builder function should be called by providing buildWhen function.

BlocBuilderView(bloc: bloc, buildWhen: {previousState, currentState in
    // return true/false to determine whether or not
    // to rebuild the view with state
}) {
    // return view  based on bloc's state


BlocListener is a View which takes a bloc and invokes the listener in response to state changes in the bloc.

BlocListenerView(bloc: bloc, listener: {state in
    // do stuff here based on bloc's state
}) {
    // return view

You can control when the listener function should be called by providing listenWhen function.

BlocListenerView(bloc: bloc, listener: {state in
    // do stuff here based on bloc's state
}, listenWhen: { (previousState, currentState) -> Bool in
    // return true/false to determine whether or not
    // to call listener with state
}) {
    // return view 


Mehdi Sohrabi

