
QGrid is the missing SwiftUI collection view. It uses the same approach as SwiftUI's List view, by computing its cells on demand from an underlying collection of identified data.


? Requirements

     ✅ macOS 10.15+
     ✅ Xcode 11.0 (beta 5 11M382q, as of writing this)
     ✅ Swift 5+
     ✅ iOS 13+

? Installation

QGrid is available via Swift Package Manager.

Using Xcode 11, go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter https://github.com/Q-Mobile/QGrid

? Usage

✴️ Basic scenario:

In its simplest form, QGrid can be used with just this 1 line of code within the body of your View, assuming you already have a custom cell view:

struct PeopleView: View {
  var body: some View {
    QGrid(Storage.people, columns: 3) { GridCell(person: $0) }

struct GridCell: View {
  var person: Person

  var body: some View {
    VStack() {
        .shadow(color: .primary, radius: 5)
        .padding([.horizontal, .top], 7)

✴️ Customize the default layout configuration:

You can customize how QGrid will layout your cells by providing some additional initializer parameters, which have default values:

struct PeopleView: View {
  var body: some View {
          columns: 3,
          columnsInLandscape: 4,
          vSpacing: 50,
          hSpacing: 20,
          vPadding: 100,
          hPadding: 20) { person in
            GridCell(person: person)

? Example App

?QGridTestApp directory in this repository contains a very simple application that uses QGrid. Open QGridTestApp/QGridTestApp.xcodeproj and either use the new Xcode Previews feature or just run the app.

  <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Q-Mobile/QGrid/master/QGridTestApp/Screenshots/People1.png" width="400"/>
  <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Q-Mobile/QGrid/master/QGridTestApp/Screenshots/People2.png" width="400"/>

? QGrid Designer

?QGridTestApp contains also the QGrid Designer area view, with sliders for dynamic run-time configuration of the QGrid view (with config option to hide it). Please refer to the following demo executed on the device:
