Fully customizable Mac OS drop-down menu. It includes 30 settings you can play with.


  • Xcode 11+
  • Mac OS 10.12+
  • Swift 5.0 and higher


Since this is a Swift Package, the installation process is pretty stright forward.

Manual way

Update your Package.swift dependencies:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Menu", from: "1.0.8")

Via Xcode:

  1. Go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency.
  2. Put GitHub URL https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Menu and click Next
  3. Select the latest version
  4. Click Finish

What can be customized? Everything!

public protocol Configuration {
    var titleBottomSpace: CGFloat                           { get }
    var titleFont: NSFont?                                  { get }
    var titleColor: NSColor                                 { get }
    var backgroundColor: NSColor                            { get }
    var cornerRadius: CGFloat                               { get }
    var hasShadow: Bool                                     { get }
    var appearsBelowSender: Bool                            { get }
    var animationDuration: TimeInterval                     { get }
    var contentEdgeInsets: NSEdgeInsets                     { get }
    var maximumContentHeight: CGFloat?                      { get }
    var separatorColor: NSColor                             { get }
    var separatorThickness: CGFloat                         { get }
    var separatorHorizontalPadding: Padding.Horizontal      { get }
    var separatorVerticlaPadding: Padding.Vertical          { get }
    var rememberSelection: Bool                             { get }
    var textAlignment: Alignment                            { get }
    var iconAlignment: Alignment                            { get }
    var menuItemFont: NSFont?                               { get }
    var menuItemHeight: CGFloat                             { get }
    var menuItemHoverBackgroundColor: NSColor               { get }
    var menuItemTextColor: NSColor                          { get }
    var menuItemHoverTextColor: NSColor                     { get }
    var menuItemCheckmarkColor: NSColor                     { get }
    var menuItemHoverCheckmarkColor: NSColor                { get }
    var menuItemCheckmarkHeight: CGFloat                    { get }
    var menuItemCheckmarkThikness: CGFloat                  { get }
    var menuItemImageHeight: CGFloat?                       { get }
    var menuItemImageTintColor: NSColor?                    { get }
    var menuItemHoverImageTintColor: NSColor?               { get }
    var menuItemHoverAnimationDuration: TimeInterval        { get }

How to use

import Cocoa
import Menu

class ViewController: NSViewController {
    private let myMenu = Menu(with: "Select a search engine:")

    @IBOutlet var showMenuButton: NSButton!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let bing = MenuItem("Bing search", image: Icn.bing.image, action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Bing"
        let item = MenuItem("DuckDuckGo search", image: Icn.duck.image, action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "DuckDuckGo"
        let google = MenuItem("Google search", image: Icn.google.image, action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Google"
        let longText = MenuItem("Some very-very-very long text with no icon", action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Some very long text"
        let emojiItem = MenuItem("Emojis are here ??", action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Emojis are here ??"
        let exit = MenuItem("Exit", image: Icn.exit.image, action: {
        let separator = MenuItem.separator()
        let menuItems = [


    @IBAction func didClickedButton(_ sender: NSButton) {
        myMenu.show(from: sender)
