
This is clone of popular app “Twitter”. App supports iOS versions of 13.0 and above. App is fully created with:

  • Swift
  • UIKit
  • Google Firebase: Authentication and Realtime Database as well as Storage to store profile images
  • Cocoapods: SDWebImage and ActiveLabel
  • MVVM design pattern

Why did I create this app?

Intention for creating this app was the desire to learn how to create an app with slightly more complicated navigation and data flow. Also, knowing Firebase libraries is an incredibly useful skill, I wanted to delve into it.


Registration and Loging pages


Feed contains Tweets only from FOLLOWED users. Tapping on like and comment buttons provides functionalities.

Profile View

Profile contains 3 tabs: Tweets uploaded by user, Replies of user, Liked Tweets.

Edit Profile View

Edit profile screen lets modify information about username and bio that is shown in ProfileView’s header. Every change is also uploaded to Firebase.


Explore Tab is storage of all registered users. Tapping on one of them will navigate to his profile. User is capable of filter presented list with search bar.

Uploading new Tweet / Replying to Tweet

Uploading new Tweet can differ in terms of type: New Tweet, Reply to Tweet. Look is slightly different. Replying to Tweet functionality is provided by ActiveLabel pod.


2 types of notifications are provided: When user’s post was liked, user was followed.


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