
Swift 5.4 License Build

An Xcode and Android localization file validator. Make sure your .strings, .stringsdict, and strings.xml files do not have any errors!

What does it do?

Locheck can perform many kinds of checks on localization files. The simplest one is making sure all strings appear in both the base language and translations, but it can also make sure all your format specifiers are consistent, even in .stringsdict files.

Consider this string:

"Send %d donuts to %@" = "%@ to donuts %d send";

<div class="highlight highlight-text-xml position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="
Send %d donuts to %s

%s to donuts %d send

<string name="send_donuts">Send %d donuts to %sstring>

<string name="send_donuts">%s to donuts %d sendstring>