Shortcuts Swift

Subscription feed link or click here on your iPad with Swift Playgrounds 2 installed.


Warn for Low Battery Level

let batteryLevel = actionOutput()
let shortcut = buildShortcut(
    comment("This Shortcut was generated in Swift.") +
    getBatteryLevel().savingOutput(to: batteryLevel) +
    ifLessThan(20, ifTrue: (
        setLowPowerMode(true) +
        showResult("Your battery is at \(batteryLevel)%, you might want to charge it.")
    ), ifFalse: (
        showResult("Your battery is at \(batteryLevel)%, you're probably fine for now.")

Clap Along

let shortcut = buildShortcut(
    comment("This Shortcut was generated in Swift.") +
    ask(question: "WHAT ? DO ? YOU ? WANT ? TO ? SAY") +
    changeCase(to: .uppercase) +
    replaceText("[\\s]", replaceWith: " ? ", regularExpression: true) +
    chooseFromMenu(items: [
        ("Share", share()),
        ("Copy to Clipboard", copyToClipboard()),

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
