
A custom stepper text field.


  • IBDesignable support so you can see and configure your stepper views in Interface Builder
  • Increment decrement buttons with repeat (click and hold to continuously increment/decrement)
  • Editable via keyboard
  • Supports empty fields (useful for items that are 'default' or 'inherited' values)
  • Set minimum/maximum and increment values. Support for float values (eg. increment by 0.01)
  • Font name/size/color
  • Optionally specify a NumberFormatter to display the value in the format you wish (for example, always showing 2 decimal places)
  • Specify a delegate to receive value change updates, or bind to the field's value.
  • Fully auto-layout managed


Add DSFStepperView to your project via Swift Package Manager, or copy the sources in the Sources/DSFStepperView directly to your project

Via Interface Builder

Add a new NSView instance using Interface Builder, then change the class type to DSFStepperView


let stepperView = DSFStepperView(frame: .zero)
stepperView.minimum = -1.0
stepperView.maximum = 1.0
stepperView.allowsEmpty = true
// Set the control's value to 0.5
stepperView.floatValue = 0.5

// Clear the control's value
stepperView.floatValue = nil

Number Formatting

If you want to allow non-integer values (such as 0.5), you will need to provide a NumberFormatter instance to format and/or validate the value in the field. DSFStepperView provides a default NumberFormatter which provides integer only values in the range (-∞ ... ∞) which you can override.

let format = NumberFormatter()
format.numberStyle = .decimal

// Always display a single digit fractional value.
format.allowsFloats = true
format.minimumFractionDigits = 1
format.maximumFractionDigits = 1

stepperView.numberFormatter = format

Using a number formatter also allows you to have a stepper that supports (for example) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th when displaying.



These properties can all be configured via Interface Builder or programatically.

  • allowsEmpty : Allow the field to be empty. Useful if you want to display (for example) an 'inherited' or 'default' label (Bool)
  • placeholder : The placeholder string to use when the field is empty (String)
  • minimum : The minimum value to be allowed in the view (CGFloat)
  • maximum : The maximum value to be allowed in the view (CGFloat)
  • increment : The amount to increment or decrement the count when using the buttons (CGFloat)
  • initialValue : The initial value to be displayed in the field (useful only for @IBDesignable support)
  • fontName : The name of the font displaying the value (eg. Menlo). Defaults to the system font if the fontName cannot be resolved on the system. (String)
  • fontSize : The size (in pts) of the font displaying the value (CGFloat)
  • foregroundColor : The color of the font displaying the value (NSColor)
  • numberFormatter : An optional number formatter for formatting/validating values in the view
  • isEnabled : Enable or disable the control
