
A lightweight loading animation that can be applied to any SwiftUI view with 1 line of code. All animations are built using the SwiftUI framework.

? Animation Speed Control!

? Works with any Color

? Customize Loading text, speed & size

No keyframe animations or DispatchQueue calls that could negatively affect the UI

Source files have no depencendies and can be extracted without issue


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. To use SimpleAFLoader with Swift Package Manager in an Xcode project:


Firstly, import the package to your file.

import SimpleAFLoader

After that create a @State variable.

@State private var isLoaderVisible: Bool = false

Then must add a .overlay() modifier to your main SwiftUI Stack view. It can be ZStack, VStack or HStack. To Show/Hide the view you just have to toggle the value for “showLoader” bool parameter.

ZStack {
.overlay(**Put The Loader View Here**)

Complete Representation:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isLoaderVisible: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
        .overlay(LoaderView(loaderColor: .red, loaderTextColor: .red, loadingText: "Loading", loaderElementSize: .medium, loaderAnimationSpeed: .medium, showLoader: isLoaderVisible))
        .onAppear {

The indicators are customizable in terms of text, color, size, and speed. All parameters are optional and will init with default values if not included. Example implementations:


// Text == nil          (Options: "Any Single Line Text")
// Color == .secondary  (Options: Any Color)
// Size == .medium      (Options: .small, .medium, .large)
// Speed == .medium     (Options: .low, .medium, .high)

// Use 1:
.overlay(LoaderView(showLoader: isLoaderVisible))
// Use 2:
.overlay(LoaderView(loadingText: "Loading", showLoader: isLoaderVisible))
// Use 3:
.overlay(LoaderView(loaderColor: .red, loaderTextColor: .red, loadingText: "Loading", showLoader: isLoaderVisible))
// Use 4:
.overlay(LoaderView(loaderColor: .green, loaderTextColor: .green, loadingText: "Loading", loaderElementSize: .medium, showLoader: isLoaderVisible))
// Use 5:
.overlay(LoaderView(loaderColor: .orange, loaderTextColor: .orange, loadingText: "Loading", loaderElementSize: .large, loaderAnimationSpeed: .high, showLoader: isLoaderVisible))

Supported Platforms:

  • .iOS(.v14) and +

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