VirusUIKit is a simple iOS application that simulates the spread of a virus within a group of people. The app allows users to set a group size, infection factor, and time period for the simulation. It visually represents each person’s health status using emojis and colors.
- Set group size for the simulation
- Define the infection factor to control the virus spread
- Set the time period for the simulation
- Visually track the spread of the virus within the group using emojis.
- Launch the app.
- Enter the group size, infection factor, and time period in the SettingsViewController.
- Tap “Start Simulation” to begin the virus spread simulation.
- Observe the simulation progress in the SimulationViewController, where each person’s health status is displayed as an emoji.
- To run a new simulation, tap the back button and adjust the settings as desired.
- UIKit
- Auto Layout