
SugarToast is a Swift extension that adds toast notifications. It is highly customizable, lightweight, and easy to use. Most toast notifications can be triggered with just a few lines of code. SugarToast is available through Swift Package Manager


alt tag


Core features:

  • Top and bottom positions for toast appearance
  • Customizable toast properties: Paddings, instets, spacings, cornerRadius, backgroundColor, fonts etc…
  • Show toast with or without image or change image position: .leadingPinnedImage, .trailingPinnedImage or .centeredImage
  • Changing autohide duration
  • Callback to catch dismiss event
  • Enable or disable dismiss functionality with touch events


  • Swift 5.4 (main branch)
  • iOS >= 13.0

Demo Sample Application

  • SugarToast/SampleApp/SampleApp.xcodeproj is the demo project for iOS
  • Make sure you are running a supported version of Xcode.
    • Usually it is specified here a few lines above.
    • In most cases it will be the latest Xcode version.


In order to correctly compile:

Initializing somewhere in your ViewController

    func createSimpleToast() {
        let data = ToastViewData(image: UIImage(named: "info")!,
                                 title: "Sugar Title",
                                 subtitle: "Sugar Subtitle")
        let presenter = ToastView.presenter(forAlertWithData: data)
        present(presenter, animated: true)


    func createCustomizedToast() {
        let data = ToastViewData(image: UIImage(named: "info")!,
                                 title: "Sugar Title",
                                 subtitle: "Sugar Subtitle")
        var settings = ToastSettings()
        settings.type = .trailingPinnedImage
        settings.titleTextAlignment = .center
        settings.subtitleTextAlignment = .center
        settings.backgroundColor = .systemGreen
        settings.verticalSpacing = 30
        settings.horizontalSpacing = 15
        settings.cornerRadius = 0

        var appearance = ToastAppearance()
        appearance.position = .top
        appearance.autohideDuration = 5
        appearance.horizontalPaddings = 0
        appearance.verticalPaddings = 0
        let presenter = ToastView.presenter(forAlertWithData: data,
                                            settings: settings,
                                            appearance: appearance)
        present(presenter, animated: true)

Callback listeners

    func createToastWithCompletion() {
        let data = ToastViewData(image: UIImage(named: "info")!,
                                 title: "Sugar Title")
        let presenter = ToastView.presenter(forAlertWithData: data)
        presenter.closeAction = { [weak self] in
            print("Your business flow here...")
        present(presenter, animated: true)


SugarToast is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


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