
This package contains libraries for NFC and QRCode reading please use them as described below.

Both nfc reading and qrcode scanning requires to add keys on info.plist file. for example:

    <string>ezeep Blue uses the Camera to scan QR Codes.</string>

    <string>ezeep Blue uses the NFC to pick up print jobs from an enabled printer.</string>

For NFC sanning:

    let nfcReader = NFCReader()

    private func readNFC(){
     nfcReader.addOnError { error in
         // put here the code to handle the error

     nfcReader.addOnRead { result in
         // put here the code to handle the scanned tag content


Remember to keep an instance of the NFCReader object untill the scan is completed.

For QR Code scanning:

    private func readQRCode(){
      let scanner = QRScanner(presenter: delegate)
      scanner.beginScanning({ scannedCode in
          // put here the code to handle the scanned code
      }, { error in
          // put here the code to handle the error

If you want you may also inject a QR code validator. This is the protocol

public protocol QRValidator {
    func isValid(scanResult: String) -> Bool

this is an example already implemented inside the library to validate urls.

public class URLValidator: QRValidator {

    public init() {}

    public func isValid(scanResult: String) -> Bool {
        let detector = try! NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)
        if let match = detector.firstMatch(in: scanResult, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: scanResult.utf16.count)) {
            // it is a link, if the match covers the whole string
            return match.range.length == scanResult.utf16.count
        } else {
            return false

To inject the validator create the istance

    let scanner = QRScanner(qrValidator: URLValidator(), presenter: delegate)


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