
Swift Platforms Swift Package Manager

A SwiftUI View for displaying a soft, backlit background around images (like an oil slick).


Import Slick into the file for your SwiftUI View which will use the Slick view:

import Slick

Create a SlickView, passing the NSImage you want to display as the first parameter. SlickView takes a trailing closure which you should use to render the image as you see fit.

For example, to display an image named "astronaut" in your app bundle:

SlickView(NSImage(named: "astronaut")) { nsImage in
  Image(nsImage: nsImage)
    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

Which will render:

Debug View

Slick allows you to render a debug view to show which parts of your image are being sampled and the colours which are being sampled from each section. To render the debug view, simply add a SlickDebugView and wrap both in a SlickDebugContainerView, for example:

SlickDebugContainerView {
  HStack(alignment: .top) {
    SlickView(NSImage(named: "astronaut")) { nsImage in
      Image(nsImage: nsImage)
        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

SlickDebugContainerView is required to connect the SlickView and SlickDebugView together.


[Preferred] Swift Package Manager

Slick is best installed using the Swift Package Manager. Add the following to your target’s dependencies in Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

Or add it as a dependency by specifying through Xcode’s Package Dependencies UI.


  • Clone the Slick repository:
git clone # or with SSH
  • Open Slick.xcodeproj in Xcode and build the Slick target in Debug or Release mode (depending on how you will be using the framework).
  • Open the products folder from Xcode using Product > Show Build Folder in Finder from the Xcode menu.
  • Find Slick.framework in either the Debug or Release folder (depending on how you built the framework).
  • Drag Slick.framework to the Project Navigator (sidebar) of your Xcode project, checking ‘Copy items if needed’ and checking the correct target that you want the framework to be added to.

Sample App

The SlickExample app shows an example of Slick in action, with some sample images and info showing which sections of the image and which colours were sampled.

SlickExample app


  • Atomic Object’s blog post on extracting colours from images was very helpful in implementing the image colour extraction logic in Slick.
  • Sample images generated using Apple’s runner of Stable Diffusion on Apple Silicon.


Slick is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.


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