Layout Studio

Design, preview, and generate native Swift code for iOS apps. 100% UIKit.

Layout Studio

Download on the App Store

How to make your own app

  1. In GitHub, tap Use this template > Create a new repository or click here to create a new repository for your app.
    • Set the repository visibility to Private if you do not want to share your app’s code with everyone on the Internet (this can always be changed in the repository settings).
  2. Open Terminal to clone the new repository onto your computer.
  3. Design an app layout in Layout Studio or preview a Gallery layout.
  4. In Layout Studio, tap Code </> to generate all of your app’s code files.
  5. Then, tap the Share button in Layout Studio and AirDrop the generated Swift code files to your computer.
  6. Open the Layout Studio Xcode project found in your cloned repository.
  7. Drag the generated code files into the Sources/ directory in Xcode.
  8. In Xcode, choose a Run Destination (such as an iPhone simulator) and run your app!


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