
An implementation of Apple Passkeys with IBM Security Verify as the relying party FIDO service.


The rplying party in this sample app is IBM Security Verify (ISV). Create a free trial tenant here: You’ll need to have an IBMid but this can be done at the same time.

This link explains setting up your tenant:

Configure FIDO2

  1. From the tenant admin portal, click (to expand) Authentication
  2. Click FIDO2 settings
  3. Click Relying Parties + to open the modal form
  4. Enter a Display name for the configuration
  5. Enter the Relying party identifier, for example
  6. In Allowed origins, enter the URL of your tenant. For example, then click Add
  7. Click Save to close the dialog

Create an identity application

The next steps allow your users to authenticate to ISV. In the passkey_app, resource owner password credential (ROPC) i.e username and password is configured.

  1. From the tenant admin portal, click (to expand) Applications
  2. Click Applications
  3. Click Add application to open the modal form
  4. Click Custom Application
  5. Click Add application button
  6. Complete the form as required, entering a Company name
  7. Click Sign-on tab
  8. Select Open ID Connect 1.0 as the Sign-on method
  9. Enter the application URL, this can be your tenant URL. For example
  10. Select Resource owner password credentials (ROPC) as the Grant type
  11. Click Save to add the new application.
  12. Once saved, click All users are entitled to this application
  13. Click on the Sign-on tab, and copy the Client ID. You’ll need this in the passkey_app.

Getting your user ID

  1. From the tenant admin portal, click (to expand) Directory
  2. Click Users & Groups
  3. Hover over the user from the list of users, click the user details card icon
  4. Copy the value of User ID. You’ll need this in the passkey_app.

Getting started

  1. Open Terminal and clone the repository and open the project file in Xcode.

    git clone
    xed .
  2. In the project Signing & Capabilities, update the following settings to suit your development environment:

    • Bundle Identifier
    • Provisioning Profile
    • Associated Domains

    The value of the associated domain will contain the replying party identifier defined in step 5 of the Configure FIDO2 section above. For example:

    Ensure an apple-app-site-association (AASA) file is present on your domain in the .well-known directory, and that it contains an entry for this app’s App ID for the webcredentials service. For example:

    "webcredentials": {
       "apps": [ "" ]
  3. Open the passkey_appApp file

  4. Replace the clientId value with the value from the ISV application settings.

  5. Replace the host name of baseUrl and replyingParty values with your tenant. For example

  6. Replace the userid value with the value from the getting your user ID section.


Supporting Security Key Authentication Using Physical Keys

Public-Private Key Authentication

W3C Web Authentication


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