GPA Calculator

Charry Lee Presents

1. Overview

It’s an app in order to calculate the GPA of students. It contains a main index for calculating and showing information and an account system for identifying the scores from different users. So you can see the structure of the App. It built with a mode called MVVC. Model is the source of data and contains some operations such as CRUD about entity User and Cource. Helpers contains some util class for developers to handle some data such as encrypting and checking the password. Views contains views of this app, just like its name.

2. Develop Line

This README is not an instruction file about this app when is still developing. It’s a develop log however.

###July 2, 2022

The SignInView UI Design finished.

The SignInView in portrait mode.

The SignInView in landscape right mode (similar in landscape left mode).

And you can open a sheet window for signing up. ⬆️

A more important thing: support dark mode

Avatar View finished. Avatar is a designed badge. It can be personalized by changing the hueRotation attribute.

Avatar in Phone (bigger mode)

Avatar Personalization Examples

There are two possible ways for users to select their avatars:

  1. choose it from several system default avatars (different hueRotations) and store the index (maybe this attribute can be called avatarindex);
  2. set a picker to set a hueRotation to the avatar view and store the avatarhuerotation attribute as the avatar of user.

July 3, 2022

Today’s important work is finishinig the UI Design of the SignUpView. I choose the way 2 as the final solution to the avatar attribute. And in order to make the page can exit successfully in macOS, I add an exit button in the right top corners of the page.

Because this page won’t show as a full-screen page (it will presented as a sheet page who is called by the sign up button in SignInView), I use the Form view, the Apple official solution for submitting information, to collect the input from user.

A small point I got: Swift Playground is a good tool for testing the UI performance between Apple platforms.


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