
An iOS Framework that enables developers to capture videos ?, photos ?, Live Photos ?, and GIFs ? with ARKit content.

In other words, you NO LONGER have to ~screen record~/~screenshot~ to capture videos ? and photos ? of your awesome ARKit apps!


? Initialized with SpriteKit? ? Initialized with SceneKit ?
SpriteKit Preview SceneKit Preview

Key Features

✅ Capture Photos from ARSCNView, ARSKView, and SCNView

✅ Capture Live Photos & GIFs from ARSCNView, ARSKView, and SCNView

Record Videos from ARSCNView, ARSKView, and SCNView

Pause/Resume video

✅ Allow device's Music playing in the background while recording a video

Returns rendered and raw buffers in a protocol method for additional Image & Video processing


ARVideoKit is compatible on iOS devices that support both ARKit and Metal. Check Apple's iOS Device Compatibility Reference for more information.

ARVideoKit requires:

  • iOS 11
  • Swift 3.2 or higher

Example Projects

To try the example project, simply clone this repository and open the Examples folder to choose between the Objective-C and Swift project files.



  1. Add this line to your project's Podfile (for Swift 5.0)
pod 'ARVideoKit', '~> 1.5.51'

  1. Install the pod
$ pod install


  1. Add this line to your project's Cartfile
github "AFathi/ARVideoKit" ~> 1.31
  1. Update your Carthage directory
$ carthage update

Swift Package Manager (available Xcode 11.2 and forward)

  1. In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  2. Follow the prompts using the URL for this repository.


Drag ARVideoKit.xcodeproj into your project and click the + button in the embedded binaries section of your project's target.
example embed framework



Click here to check the Swift implementation steps.


Click here to check the Objective-C implementation steps.


Make sure you add the usage description of the camera, microphone, and photo library in the app's Info.plist.

<string>AR Camera</string>
<string>Export AR Media</string>
<string>Export AR Media</string>
<string>Audiovisual Recording</string>

Info Plist Screenshot

You're all set. ?

Check RecordAR documentation for more options!

Publishing to the App Store

Before publishing to the App Store make sure to add the ARVideoKit License to your app licences list.

  1. Build ARVideoKit for release

Open ARVideoKit.xcodeproj

Select ARVideoKitRelease scheme with Generic iOS Device

Build the project (cmd + B)

Right click on Products/ARVideoKit.framework -> Show in finder

Copy and replace ARVideoKit.framework in your project

Additionally, if you are using the binary build from Framework Build or the latest release, you MUST strip out the simulator architectures from the framework before pushing an application to the App Store.

To do so, follow those steps:

  1. Install Carthage

Download Carthage.pkg from here

Or install with Homebrew using this command brew install carthage

  1. Go to your project target's Build Phase
    screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 21 44 pm

  2. Add a new Run Script Phase
    screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 22 14 pm

  3. Add the following command to the Run Script Phase

/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 30 12 pm
  1. Finally, add ARVideoKit.framework file path as an Input File. In my case, I have it in a folder named Frameworks inside my project folder
    screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 41 06 pm

Donations will support me to keep maintining ARVideoKit Framework ❤️



If you have an idea for a new ARVideoKit feature/functionality and want to add it to this repository, feel free to fork the project and create a pull request!

Also, feel free to create an issue if you have any suggestions or need any help ☺️

Apps using ARVideoKit

App Description
Pathica The first proof of the theory of "six degrees of separation" which is the idea that any two people on the planet can be connected through five or fewer individuals.
Our SolAR An app that allows you to see our Solar System anywhere at all!
In The Walls Uses real time face tracking and AR to put your face in any real world wall!
ScribScrab ScribScrab is a tool for creativity. You’re only limited to your imagination and your battery life.

Feel free to add your application to this list!


ARVideoKit Framework

Copyright 2018 Ahmed Fathi Bekhit,,

ARVideoKit is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
