
REAL Spotify Experience, show Rich Presence on Every Device!

Supporting Device

  • Windows / MacOS / Linux (PC_Client)
  • Apple Devices (From iOS 11, iOS_iPadOS_Client, 80% Progress)
  • Android (Work In Progress)


  • Server running windows or linux, should be able to run discord. (x86 recommended.)
  • NodeJS / npm (For server / PC_Client)
  • Xcode (For iOS Device)
  • Optional: Mac Device for iOS

Android will be released in firebase, iOS / iPadOS users should build their own unless I get developer account. Please support me to get developer account!



  1. Download from release.
  2. Download nodejs / npm from here, must be higher than v8.
  3. Turn on Terminal / CMD and move to this program’s directory.
  4. Check if your computer’s port for this program is opened.
  5. Run npm i and node index.js.
  6. (Optional) go to datas/server.json and change “OpenPort” and “secretpassphrase” value.
  7. You just finished setting up your own server! (Don’t turn off terminal.)

Important: Discord need to be turned on prior to this program, or the program will automatically terminate.

PC Client

  1. Download from release.
  2. Download nodejs / npm from here, must be higher than v8.
  3. Turn on Terminal / CMD and move to this program’s directory.
  4. Go to datas/server.json and change “OpenPort” and “secretpassphrase” value, same to the server’s.
  5. You just finished setting your client! (Don’t turn off the terminal.)

iOS / iPadOS

  1. WIP

This project is still WIP, check this out later!
