SwiftyUI Angle Side Menu

Easily & customizable menu for SwiftUI with SF Symbol support


  1. Drag and Drop Menu.swift into your project

  2. Create a @State variable in you main view

    @State var isMenuShown: Bool = false
  3. Inside your main ZStack, add the below code

    if isMenuShown {
            Menu(isMenuShown: $isMenuShown, menuItems: self.getMenuItems(), profileName: "Deepak Pillai", profileImage: UIImage(named: "profileIcon"), footerText: "©Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.")
  4. Add the below set of parameters to your main view

    .cornerRadius(isMenuShown ? 20 : 0)
    .offset(x: isMenuShown ? 300 : 0, y: isMenuShown ? 50 : 0)
    .rotationEffect(.init(degrees: isMenuShown ? -8 : 0))
    .scaleEffect(isMenuShown ? 0.9 : 1)
    .navigationBarHidden(isMenuShown ? true : false)
    .shadow(color: Color(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, opacity: 0.5), radius: 10, x: -10, y: 10)
        ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
            } label: {
            Image(systemName: "filemenu.and.selection")
                .font(.system(size: 18))
            .onTapGesture {
                if isMenuShown {
  5. Add the property to your main ZStack

    .onAppear {
        isMenuShown = false
  6. Add the below func in your SwiftUI file

    func toggleMenu() {
        withAnimation(.spring()) {
  7. Create an array of ‘MenuItem’ which we passed on to the Menu class in step 3

    func getMenuItems() -> [MenuItem] {
        let array = [
            MenuItem(text: "Home", textColor: .white, sfIconName: "house.circle", sfIconForgroundColor: .white, didTap: {
            MenuItem(text: "Profile", textColor: .white, sfIconName: "person.crop.circle", sfIconForgroundColor: .white, destinationObject: AnyView(Profile())),
            MenuItem(text: "Logout", textColor: .white, sfIconName: "rectangle.portrait.and.arrow.right", sfIconForgroundColor: .white, didTap: {
        return array

With the above steps you will be able to add the SwiftyUI Menu to your application.

UI Customization options

  • Text customization

    • By making use of text, textColor & textFont property, you will be able to customize the menu item text
  • Icon customization

    • Menu item with icon image
      • With custom icon image
        • You can set your own custom image and manage its width and height and backgroundColor by using iconImageName, iconImageWidth, iconImageHeight & iconImageBackgroundColor properties
      • With SF Symbols
        • You can make use of sfIconName, sfIconForgroundColor, sfIconBackgroundColor & sfIconSize properties to manage your icons
    • Menu item without icon image
      • You can set noIconRequired: true to remove image from the menu item

Event control customization options

  • Navigating to different view

    • You can pass on the view instance to destinationObject. Make sure to cast your view to AnyView type before assigning the object.
  • Get tap event

    • You can pass a closure to didTap property to get the tap event on a menu item.


  1. Example to shows the usage of didTap: closure

    MenuItem(text: "Home", textColor: .white, sfIconName: "house.circle", sfIconForgroundColor: .white, didTap: {
  2. Example to shows the usage of destinationObject: property

    MenuItem(text: "Profile", textColor: .white, sfIconName: "person.crop.circle", sfIconForgroundColor: .white, destinationObject: AnyView(Profile()))
  3. Example to show the menu item with no events

    MenuItem(text: "No event menu item", textColor: .white, iconImageName: "apple", iconImageWidth: 40.0, iconImageHeight: 40.0)
  4. Example to show menu item without an image

    MenuItem(text: "Menu item with no icon", textColor: .white, noIconRequired: true, destinationObject: AnyView(Settings()))

Installation – Manually

Drop Menu.swift into your project.


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