Micro Composition
What is c
is a simple composition framework. You have the ability to create transformations that are either unidirectional or bidirectional. There is also a cache that values can be set and resolved.
Where can c
be used?
can be used anywhere to create transformations or interact with the cache.
BiDirectionalTransformation of String and Int
let transformer = c.transformer(
from: { string in Int(string) },
to: { int in "\(String(describing: int))" }
let string = transformer.to(3)
let int = transformer.from("3")
try t.assert(transformer.to(int), isEqualTo: string)
c.set(value: Double.pi, forKey: "?")
let pi: Double = c.get("?") ?? 0
try t.assert(pi, isEqualTo: .pi)
let resolvedValue: Double = c.resolve("?")
try t.assert(resolvedValue, isEqualTo: .pi)