PayByBank SDK (iOS)

CocoaPods compatible Swift Package Manager compatible Carthage compatible Platform Swift License

The Ecospend Gateway presents PayByBank SDK as an alternative and easier form of Open Banking Instant Payment solutions. PayByBank SDK provides you the option of downsizing the development effort for a PIS and AIS journeys to a single SDK integration. PayByBank undertakes all of interaction in the payment user journey with your branding on display.

  • Paylink provides to execute the payment order.
  • FrPayment provides to execute a standing order.
  • Bulk Payment provides to execute the Bulk Payment order.
  • VRPlink provides to execute the Variable Recurring Payments consent.
  • Datalink is a whitelabel consent journey solution provided by Ecospend that downsizes the required implementation for the consent journey to a single endpoint integration.
  • Payment provides to execute the domestic instant payments, international payments, and scheduled payments.


  • iOS 10.3+
  • Swift 5.0+



To integrate PayByBank into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add this to your Podfile:

pod 'PayByBank', :git => '', :tag => '1.0.0'

# or

pod 'PayByBank', '1.0.0'

Then run pod install.

Swift Package Manager

User Interface

To integrate using Apple’s Swift package manager, with Xcode integration, apply the following steps:

  • File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  • Add
  • Select “Dependency Rule” with “Exact Version” and “1.0.0”


To integrate using Apple’s Swift package manager, without Xcode integration, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


To integrate PayByBank into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "ecospend/PayByBankSDK-iOS" ~> 1.0.0

Then run carthage update --use-xcframeworks and drag the built PayByBank.xcframework bundle from Carthage/Build into the “Frameworks and Libraries” section of your application’s Xcode project.


Note: Please look at for more details.

To start using our API, you need to onboard with us and get a Client Id (client_id) and Client Secret (client_secret) via email to [email protected]. For onboarding we will need the following information:

  • The full name of your company/organization
  • An email address for your admin user (used as username)
  • A mobile phone number for the admin user (used for two-factor authentication)

Once onboarded, a Client Id is generated for you and you will have access to our Management Console, through which you can generate your Client Secret(s).

  • The client_id is created by Ecospend when your organization is registered with us.
  • The client_secret is a security key that your administrator should create from the Management Console. This is not visible to or accessible by the Ecospend team. Therefore, you should store it safely.

You will be given separate pairs of Client Id and Client Secret for our Sandbox and Production environments respectively. Ecospend does not store these parameters; therefore, you need to keep them safe and secure.

  • Sandbox environment should be used for testing purposes.
  • Production environment should be used for released applications.

PayByBank.configure function should be called to access client_id and client_secret before using APIs of PayByBank SDK:

PayByBank.configure(environment: <environment>, clientID: <client_id>, clientSecret: <client_secret>)

Sample Projects

We have provided a sample project in the repository. Source files for these are in the Examples directory in the project navigator.


PayByBank SDK is released under the Apache License.


View Github