
Shows how to use searchable in SwiftUI to add a search bar on iOS and macOS. Different implementaions showing how to use search suggestions, tokens and search scope

How to add a Search bar – Searchable in SwiftUI

The demo has various implementations for a search bar with the searchable view modifier. These include search suggestions. A detailed description can be found in this blog post: SwiftUI Search Bar: Best Practices and Examples

? You can watch me implement these search features in this Youtube tutorial:

Search Text Field with Suggestions on macOS and iOS

You can show search suggestions together with the search text field. On macOS they are shown in a menu below the text field and on iOS they are shown as the main content.

You can also show search suggestions depending on the users input. For example, I prepared a default suggestions array and I only show the ones that match with the search term:

Search Tokens and Search Scope

More advanced filtering can be done with search tokens and search scope which are available with iOS 16+ and macOS 13. A detailed description can be found in these blog posts:


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