
Small library that allows you to use Storage in Swifty style


When you have your Swift package set up, simply add StorageKit as a dependency, by placing it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.1"))


For example, we have some struct

struct ObjectExample: Codable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int

What we have to do, to save it into some storage?

Step 1: Add StaticKeyed protocol

extension ObjectExample: StaticKeyed {
    static var storageKey: String { "ObjectExample" }

Step 2: Create Storage

let storage = StorageFactory<ObjectExample>.userDefaultsStorage

Step3: Save to single or multi-object storage

let object = ObjectExample(name: "Erokha", age: 22)

// Single storage
try? object)

// Multi storage
try? object, forKey: "this is key")

Step 4: Restore object from Storage

If you saved to single storage

let object = try storage.single.restore()
// Do not forget: you may use optional try
let optionalObject = try? storage.single.restore()

If you saved to multi-object storage

let object = try storage.multi.restore(forKey: "this is key")

// Do not forget: you may use optional try
let optionalObject = try? storage.multi.restore(forKey: "this is key")


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