SwiftUI loop video player

How to use the package

1. Create LoopPlayerView

   LoopPlayerView(resourceName: "swipe")


Strategy Description Default
resourceName Name of the video to play
extention Video extension “mp4”
errorText Error message text “Resource is not found”
videoGravity A structure that defines how a layer displays a player’s visual content within the layer’s bounds .resizeAspect
errorTextSize Size of the error text 17.0

SwiftUI example for the package

SwiftUI loop video player example

The concept


  • You need to have Xcode 13 installed in order to have access to Documentation Compiler (DocC)

  • Go to Product > Build Documentation or ⌃⇧⌘ D

XCode 15 beta note (iOS 17)

  • At the current time XCode 15 is in beta and in the console you might see message “A structure that defines how a layer displays a player’s visual content within the layer’s bounds” I found on Stack-overflow that many came across this message and at the time it is treated like XCode 15 beta bug


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