7 Swifty Words

This is the eighth project from Hacking With Swift 100 days of Swift course.

??‍♂️ Overview

It’s guess the words game

⚙️ How it works

Each level contains 7 words the user has
to guess. The app shows hints of the answers

The user has to tapp in buttons containing
portions of the answers to complete one of them

When the user guesses all the words, they move
to the next level

? Video

? Built with

  • UIKit
  • Storyboard

? What I learned

  • How write all the UI programmatically, including constraints
  • addTarget()
  • enumerated()
  • joined()
  • replacingOccurrences()
  • Observers
  • How to create a grid using UIStackView

⌨ How to use it

Download this repository, open it in Xcode and press command + R
to run the simulator. This app is made only for iPads, so you need
to choose an iPad simulator in Xcode


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