

A simple application that displays a collection of Star Wars starships.

About The Project

Build a simple application that displays a collection of Star Wars starships and allows the user to “favourite” the starships that appeal to them.

Requirements • Fetch a single page of data from the following API: https://swapi.dev/api/starships/ • Display the collection of starships. On this screen present 2+ properties for each • Allow the user to click on a starship to view more details about it. • Users should be able to “favourite” starships from both screens. Don’t worry about • persistence across sessions (DB/SharedPrefs/etc); in-memory is fine. However • consider that the solution might be extended in the future to support this. • Use any third-party libraries to help with your implementation • Concise, understandable code. Try not to over-engineer, however the solution should be maintainable and production ready. • Document any UX/UI/architecture/requirements assumptions



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