
This app is a SwiftUI sample app for flight ticket browser.
Even if the barcode and QR code are generated,
it seems that they cannot be displayed on the SwiftUI, so a fixed image is displayed.
User can adjust the brightness of the screen by tapping the QR code.
Flight information is fiction.

Sample GIF and Images


Ticket List

Light Dark
IMG_0117 IMG_0118

Ticket Detail

Light Dark
IMG_0119 IMG_0120

Boarding Pass

Light Dark
IMG_0121 IMG_0122


<iOS>-<iOS 15.0 and later>
<Xcode>-<Xcode 13.0>
<SwiftUI>-<SwiftUI 3>

Point of implementation

  • How to use Path
    • Cut off of leading and trailing edge
    • Dash Line




Please feel free to contact us if you find a bug or have any feedback.
Suggestions for adding functions and code corrections are also welcome.

let name = "Takuya Aso" 
let email = "milanista224" + "@" + "icloud.com"
let profession = "iOS Engineer"
let location = "Tokyo"


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