
Group 1028

An app for diabetes patient’s family to monitor the diabetes patients’ lifestyle with the use of gamification to increase motivation

How to install GluCare apps? (Works with xcode only)

  1. Clone new-main-no-pods
  2. Install homebrew for cocoapods (tutorial :
  3. Open a new terminal inside the project (which contains the project)
  4. Do :

    pod init
    open PodFile
     - pod 'FSCalendar'
     - pod 'Gecco'
    pod install
  5. Open project workspace file
  6. DONE! Run your simulator with iphone 13 and enjoy the apps!

Check out our Framework & Hifi!

View our UI/UX progress @

Here are some functions in GluCare :


Add Medication

Streaks, Notification, & Spotlight


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