
Count It Up assisst users in monitoring caloric intake.




  • Create an account
  • Login to your account
  • Reset password
  • Add food/meal with (name, calorie count, protein count, carbs count, and fats count)
  • Select the date of the meal/food
  • Remove food/meal
  • Check meal history

Get started

Login & Creating an account

  • Once you open the app: login or create an account.
  • if you forgot your password: press the forgot password button

Adding caloric intake

  1. once youre logged in you will be taken to the calculate page
  2. select a date
  3. enter all the inputs
  4. press the enter add button

Caloric history

  1. once youre logged in you will be taken to the calculate
  2. on the top right corner there is a history button, press it.
  3. select a date
  4. press the refresh


Remove caloric intake

  1. once youre logged in you will be taken to the calculate
  2. on the top right corner there is a history button, press it.
  3. select a date
  4. press the trash button
  5. press the refresh button



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