
Hacker News App using SwiftUI

I have been challenged to create a mobile application development task consuming an API.

HackerNews (https://news.ycombinator.com/) is a popular social news website focused on computer science and entrepreneurship.

HackerNews exposes a public API, which is documented here: https://github.com/HackerNews/API

The task was to build a platform native mobile application for iOS which:

● Reads news stories from the HackerNews API

● Presents these stories in descending date order to the user

● Allows the user to view the most highly ranked articles

● Allows the user to launch the link associated with the article in their browser


● Quality of code

● Documentation for your project

● The build process for your application

● The testing process for your application

● Demonstrating a platform specific feature (i.e. image picker/persistence)

● Demonstrating familiarity with modern development languages and tools

● Minimize external dependencies

image image


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