Weather The app shows the current weather in different cities thanks to the API of The app shows the current weather in different cities thanks to the API of 23 November 2021
Asyncio A web API client in Swift built using Async/Await A web API client in Swift built using Async/Await 22 November 2021
SwiftUI A SwiftUI Weather App powered by World Weather Online API A SwiftUI Weather App powered by World Weather Online API 19 November 2021
Localization Enumerate Location Services using CoreLocation API on macOS Enumerate Location Services using CoreLocation API on macOS 19 November 2021
Movies Test application that gets its data from the themoviedb api Test application that gets its data from the themoviedb api 18 November 2021
integration A micro framework for integrating with the Google Translate api A micro framework for integrating with the Google Translate api 16 November 2021
Function Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions 15 November 2021
Fetch Fetch the star wars api from all the planets and list and show details using Swift UI and Combine Fetch the star wars api from all the planets and list and show details using Swift UI and Combine 15 November 2021
UIView SpriteKit API reproducing UIView's spring animations with SKAction SpriteKit API reproducing UIView's spring animations with SKAction 13 November 2021
Authentication A Swift 5 Framework for authenticating with the Spotify API A Swift 5 Framework for authenticating with the Spotify API 11 November 2021
API A simple and lightweight resturant finder using the Yelp API A simple and lightweight resturant finder using the Yelp API 09 November 2021
Swift Swift iOS coffee ordering app that uses the MVVM design pattern that makes "GET" and "POST" requests to an API for the orders Swift iOS coffee ordering app that uses the MVVM design pattern that makes "GET" and "POST" requests to an API for the orders 02 November 2021
Fetch Use Yelp API to fetch restuarants around a location and show them in a table view Use Yelp API to fetch restuarants around a location and show them in a table view 01 November 2021
Xcode Application for Xcode release history using XcodeReleases API Application for Xcode release history using XcodeReleases API 01 November 2021
Apps A simple application display album artwork from the iTunes API A simple application display album artwork from the iTunes API 01 November 2021
Fetch A basic application that fetches crypto coin datas from CoinBase API A basic application that fetches crypto coin datas from CoinBase API 31 October 2021
Apps iOS app for Ribbit, Broker API Reference App iOS app for Ribbit, Broker API Reference App 31 October 2021
Apps An iOS app that displays weather data from any city around the world taken from two separate APIs An iOS app that displays weather data from any city around the world taken from two separate APIs 27 October 2021
Network Exercising grab live data from the internet Exercising grab live data from the internet 25 October 2021
Json Calling Typicodes REST API: photos JSON using pure SwiftUI and new Concurrency features Calling Typicodes REST API: photos JSON using pure SwiftUI and new Concurrency features 24 October 2021
Timer Exercising Dictionaries, Timer API, ProgressView Exercising Dictionaries, Timer API, ProgressView 24 October 2021
API Access the native iOS / macOS reminders (get, update, delete) in TiDev / Titanium Access the native iOS / macOS reminders (get, update, delete) in TiDev / Titanium 23 October 2021
Instagram Instagram API client written in Swift Instagram API client written in Swift 22 October 2021
GitHub Swift implementation of Github REST API v3 Swift implementation of Github REST API v3 22 October 2021
Weather Weather App with widget that fetches real weather data using the Open Weather API Weather App with widget that fetches real weather data using the Open Weather API 22 October 2021
Google Google Directions API helper for iOS written in Swift Google Directions API helper for iOS written in Swift 21 October 2021
Animations A Fast Animation Engine with an Intuitive API A Fast Animation Engine with an Intuitive API 21 October 2021
SwiftUI A SwiftUI app that fetch images from The Dog API and The Cat API A SwiftUI app that fetch images from The Dog API and The Cat API 20 October 2021
API Swift app to display elephants by API Swift app to display elephants by API 19 October 2021
Movies Code Swift iOS app showcasing basic movies list from Orange TV API Code Swift iOS app showcasing basic movies list from Orange TV API 18 October 2021
Weather App that makes use of OpenWatherMap API App that makes use of OpenWatherMap API 16 October 2021
Document Documentation compiler that produces rich API reference documentation and interactive tutorials for your Swift framework or package Documentation compiler that produces rich API reference documentation and interactive tutorials for your Swift framework or package 15 October 2021
Permission A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS 14 October 2021
Apps A simple iOS app for browsing and saving recipes, using Spoonacular API A simple iOS app for browsing and saving recipes, using Spoonacular API 11 October 2021
Movies An app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API An app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API 09 October 2021
Twitter A simple mobile app which is connect to the Twitter API A simple mobile app which is connect to the Twitter API 09 October 2021
HTTP HTTP Client for Swift Ages - URLSession + Combine + Decodable + Generics HTTP Client for Swift Ages - URLSession + Combine + Decodable + Generics 09 October 2021
Movies A Movie app that using the TheMovieDB API A Movie app that using the TheMovieDB API 05 October 2021
Movies An app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API An app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API 02 October 2021
Apps An iOS app written programmatically connecting to a third party API and displaying results in TableViews An iOS app written programmatically connecting to a third party API and displaying results in TableViews 30 September 2021
Movies An app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API An app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API 30 September 2021
API YM-API : Unofficial Swift Yandex Music Library YM-API : Unofficial Swift Yandex Music Library 30 September 2021
SwiftUI An example APOD app with SwiftUI and Combine using NASA API An example APOD app with SwiftUI and Combine using NASA API 29 September 2021