Carousel Carousel View that snaps made purely in SwiftUI Carousel View that snaps made purely in SwiftUI 11 January 2024
Carousel Infinite carousel-like paging view in SwiftUI Infinite carousel-like paging view in SwiftUI 26 October 2023
Carousel Image carousel with double parallax effect Image carousel with double parallax effect 20 October 2023
Parallax Parallax Carousel Horizontal Image Scroll written in SwiftUI Parallax Carousel Horizontal Image Scroll written in SwiftUI 12 September 2023
Carousel A customized super simple carousel slider to present different dog breeds A customized super simple carousel slider to present different dog breeds 02 August 2023
Layout A Custom collection view Layout library for overlapping style carousel collection view flow layout A Custom collection view Layout library for overlapping style carousel collection view flow layout 16 May 2023
Carousel The JWCarousel library for SwiftUI provides a highly customizable carousel view for iOS apps The JWCarousel library for SwiftUI provides a highly customizable carousel view for iOS apps 26 March 2023
Carousel An easy-to-use carousel that comes in both view and view controller flavors An easy-to-use carousel that comes in both view and view controller flavors 08 March 2023
Carousel An automatic scrolling carousel similar to how scrollview is used. for swiftui An automatic scrolling carousel similar to how scrollview is used. for swiftui 07 August 2022
Carousel Loopy Carousel: Submission to the SwiftUI Series Workarounds challenge Loopy Carousel: Submission to the SwiftUI Series Workarounds challenge 29 May 2022
Layout A carousel flow layout for UICollectionView on iOS A carousel flow layout for UICollectionView on iOS 22 January 2022
Carousel A user-friendly and developer-friendly carousel framework A user-friendly and developer-friendly carousel framework. 13 February 2020
Carousel List a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling view List a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling view. A scaling factor controls the size of the items relative to the center. 11 June 2019