Swift Swift Accessibility Identifiers Generator Xcode Source Editor Extension Swift Accessibility Identifiers Generator Xcode Source Editor Extension 18 May 2022
Xcode SlothCreator: Building DocC Documentation in Xcode SlothCreator: Building DocC Documentation in Xcode 22 April 2022
Xcode A sample failing iOS Xcode 13 project trying to include boost c++ A sample failing iOS Xcode 13 project trying to include boost c++ 15 April 2022
SwiftUI A package that allows you to easily enable a SwiftUI Xcode canvas to a ViewController A package that allows you to easily enable a SwiftUI Xcode canvas to a ViewController. 30 March 2022
Skeleton A skeleton xcode project for iOS candidates assignment A skeleton xcode project for iOS candidates assignment 30 March 2022
Command-line A command line tool to manage a large Xcode Instruments XML file A command line tool to manage a large Xcode Instruments XML file 19 March 2022
Xcode Use simctl to find UDIDs of Xcode simulators to be used as destination parameter in xcodebuild Use simctl to find UDIDs of Xcode simulators to be used as destination parameter in xcodebuild 19 March 2022
Color Replace your Xcode icon with colorful variants Replace your Xcode icon with colorful variants 26 February 2022
Xcode This code attempts to make basic syntax trees in the Xcode console This code attempts to make basic syntax trees in the Xcode console 13 February 2022
Tree Draw Xcode targets and dependencies tree Draw Xcode targets and dependencies tree 10 February 2022
Json XcodeJSONValidator is your script to to check for possible wrongly formed JSON files XcodeJSONValidator is your script to to check for possible wrongly formed JSON files 04 February 2022
Apps A simple iOS application made in Xcode using Swift A simple iOS application made in Xcode using Swift 03 February 2022
Weather Created a simple weather app on Xcode using SwiftUI, only shows one location Created a simple weather app on Xcode using SwiftUI, only shows one location 30 January 2022
Slider RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider 21 January 2022
Generator The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above 21 January 2022
Xcode An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code 19 January 2022
Command-line A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code 19 January 2022
Swift A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library 18 January 2022
Swift Lightweight Concurrent Networking Framework Lightweight Concurrent Networking Framework 17 January 2022
Bonjourr Publish and discover services using Bonjour Publish and discover services using Bonjour 17 January 2022
Calculator A calculator App made with swiftUI and xcode 13 A calculator App made with swiftUI and xcode 13 17 January 2022
Auto Layout Stevia: Write concise Autolayout code Stevia: Write concise Autolayout code 14 January 2022
Keybaord Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView 12 January 2022
Photos A fully customizable photo viewer ViewController to display single photo or collection of photos A fully customizable photo viewer ViewController to display single photo or collection of photos 12 January 2022
Loading A lightweight and fast image loader for iOS written in Swift A lightweight and fast image loader for iOS written in Swift 11 January 2022
Chess An iOS / Mac view controller for chess boards An iOS / Mac view controller for chess boards 10 January 2022
Tool Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift 10 January 2022
Xcode This is part of the 31 days of small Xcode apps for January 2022 This is part of the 31 days of small Xcode apps for January 2022 09 January 2022
Swift A simple way to map XML to Objects written in Swift A simple way to map XML to Objects written in Swift 07 January 2022
Swift Unrealm: an extension on RealmCocoa, which enables Swift native types to be saved in Realm Unrealm: an extension on RealmCocoa, which enables Swift native types to be saved in Realm 07 January 2022
File Management StorageManager - FileManager framework that handels Store, fetch, delete and update files in local storage StorageManager - FileManager framework that handels Store, fetch, delete and update files in local storage 07 January 2022
Swift Resume-app - A simple iOS app to showcase Swift development skills using Xcode Resume-app - A simple iOS app to showcase Swift development skills using Xcode 02 January 2022
SwiftUI Icons generator for XCode assets project Icons generator for XCode assets project 30 December 2021
Xcode Introducing with Xcode Storyboard and Interface Builder Introducing with Xcode Storyboard and Interface Builder 18 December 2021
Tool Nef: a toolset to ease the creation of documentation in the form of Xcode Playgrounds Nef: a toolset to ease the creation of documentation in the form of Xcode Playgrounds 16 December 2021
Tutorials In this tutorial, you’ll write your very first Core Data application with SwiftUI in Xcode In this tutorial, you’ll write your very first Core Data application with SwiftUI in Xcode 14 December 2021
Command-line A command line tool to easily install and browse Xcode templates A command line tool to easily install and browse Xcode templates 14 December 2021
WebView Single Webview project for xcode in swift Single Webview project for xcode in swift 12 December 2021
Apps A simple Student Management on an iOS App A simple Student Management on an iOS App 03 December 2021
Swift XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results 03 December 2021