Translation Swift Package Plugin for automatically translating your String Catalogs Swift Translate is a CLI tool and Swift Package Plugin that makes it easy to localize your app. 09 March 2024
String StringExplorer - A handy tool to explore various string encoding A handy tool to explore various string encoding. 27 February 2024
ASCII A Swift macro plugin that expands Strings into ASCII Cows, right at compile time A Swift macro plugin that expands Strings into ASCII Cows, right at compile time. 18 June 2023
String A Swift library that simplifies searching for multiple strings within a given text A Swift library that simplifies searching for multiple strings within a given text 01 April 2023
Convert Convert HTML String to NSAttributedString with customized style and tag Convert HTML String to NSAttributedString with customized style and tag 27 February 2023
Xcode A Swift Package providing a parser for Strings files within Xcode A Swift Package providing a parser for Strings files within Xcode 15 November 2022
String Unused localized strings find from all strings file Unused localized strings find from all strings file 10 August 2022
Command-line EnumGen - A library and CLI tool that makes it easy to create enums from strings EnumGen - A library and CLI tool that makes it easy to create enums from strings 31 July 2022
Shell Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable) Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable) 28 July 2022
Swift A Swift package that parses strings for bible references A Swift package that parses strings for bible references 09 June 2022
Apps Create an application that reverse words in string Create an application that reverse words in string 26 May 2022
Swift Swift Command line tool to generate static strings from a Figma Design Token Json file Swift Command line tool to generate static strings from a Figma Design Token Json file 25 April 2022
Encrypted Cross-platform string encryption using common best-practices Cross-platform string encryption using common best-practices 08 April 2022
Apps ReverseWord: An application that reverse words in string ReverseWord: An application that reverse words in string 23 February 2022
Convert Open Source Library, converting mistyped Korean string into English string Open Source Library, converting mistyped Korean string into English string 19 February 2022
String A powerful and small library that will allow the creation of complex String Styles A powerful and small library that will allow the creation of complex String Styles 05 February 2022
Parser Parse (some) markdown attributes into an NSAttributedString Parse (some) markdown attributes into an NSAttributedString 04 February 2022
Function Functions that calculate the size of uilabel based on different string lengths Functions that calculate the size of uilabel based on different string lengths 28 January 2022
SwiftUI Generate SwiftUI Text or AttributedString from markdown strings with custom style names Generate SwiftUI Text or AttributedString from markdown strings with custom style names 24 January 2022
Text Texstyle allows you to format iOS attributed strings easily Texstyle allows you to format iOS attributed strings easily 20 January 2022
String Croc - A swift emoji string parsing library Croc - A swift emoji string parsing library 20 January 2022
String Elegant Attributed String composition in Swift sauce Elegant Attributed String composition in Swift sauce 20 January 2022
String A library for formatting strings on iOS and macOS A library for formatting strings on iOS and macOS 20 January 2022
Swift NoOptionalInterpolation gets rid of "Optional(...)" and "nil" in Swift's string interpolation NoOptionalInterpolation gets rid of "Optional(...)" and "nil" in Swift's string interpolation 14 January 2022
Localization Super lightweight library that helps you to localize strings, even directly in storyboards Super lightweight library that helps you to localize strings, even directly in storyboards 14 January 2022
Localization Localize: a framework writed in swift to localize your projects easier improves i18n, including storyboards and strings Localize: a framework writed in swift to localize your projects easier improves i18n, including storyboards and strings 14 January 2022
i18n Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files 14 January 2022
Layout A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift 14 January 2022
Swift An AWS Lambda that compiles Swift code passed in as a string An AWS Lambda that compiles Swift code passed in as a string 13 January 2022
Swift nGram: a Swift implementation to generate N-grams (all word combinations) from an input string nGram: a Swift implementation to generate N-grams (all word combinations) from an input string 10 January 2022
Parser Cross-platform Swift library for parsing SVGPath strings Cross-platform Swift library for parsing SVGPath strings 09 January 2022
Location EmbeddedStringsKit: Representation localized string in code EmbeddedStringsKit: Representation localized string in code 07 January 2022
Json Convert anything into anything in one operation; hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, JSON strings into class instances Convert anything into anything in one operation; hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, JSON strings into class instances 06 January 2022
Parser A utility used to parse number strings A utility used to parse number strings 27 December 2021
String A Swift package that adds some handy functions to String and NSMutableAttributedString A Swift package that adds some handy functions to String and NSMutableAttributedString 20 December 2021
Color Convenience methods for creating color using RGBA hex string Convenience methods for creating color using RGBA hex string 12 December 2021
Markdown AttributedString Markdown initializer with custom styling AttributedString Markdown initializer with custom styling 19 November 2021
Localization A script that allows you download a spreadsheet and parse it creating or updating your Localizable.strings A script that allows you download a spreadsheet and parse it creating or updating your Localizable.strings 25 October 2021
String A package will contain the standard encodings/decodings/hahsing used by the String Conversion Tool app A package will contain the standard encodings/decodings/hahsing used by the String Conversion Tool app 12 October 2021
Apps Demo project describing how to share String data between two iOS apps from the same developer Demo project describing how to share String data between two iOS apps from the same developer 09 October 2021
Editor A lightweight and powerful editor for localizing iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications A lightweight and powerful editor for localizing iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications 08 October 2021
Tags Demonstrates how to implement basic string formatting using XML tags Demonstrates how to implement basic string formatting using XML tags 06 October 2021
Generator A lightweight swift code generator for your images, colors and localized strings A lightweight swift code generator for your images, colors and localized strings 03 October 2021