Apps A Project Aiming To Improve The Living Conditions Of Stray Animals With SwiftUI A Project Aiming To Improve The Living Conditions Of Stray Animals With SwiftUI. 22 June 2021
SwiftUI A SwiftUI app for viewing the SMHS schedule SMHS Schedule is the one-stop experience for Santa Margarita Catholic High School's students 21 June 2021
SwiftUI Protein viewer for iPhone using SwiftUI + SceneKit Protein (.pdb, .cif and .fasta) viewer for iPhone, iPad and Mac, using SwiftUI + SceneKit. 18 June 2021
SwiftUI Shadow 3D project consists of 3D rotation of icon/object with swift Shadow 3D project consists of 3D rotation of icon/object. This rotation is made using Shadow and Offset parameters. 18 June 2021
SwiftUI A Widgets Fitness Example project with SwiftUI and Combine Example project with SwiftUI, Combine and Widgets, using Apple Fitness app UI as the base 18 June 2021
Rating Stars A customizable star rating control written specifically for SwiftUI A StarRating element written for SwiftUI. 17 June 2021
TextField A SwiftUI TextField with a floating label for iOS 15 A TextField with a floating label using the new Focus system on iOS 15. 15 June 2021
Text Generate styled SwiftUI Text from strings with XML tags XMLText is a mini library that can generate SwiftUI Text from a given XML string with tags. 01 June 2021
SwiftUI A collection of many useful Swift and SwiftUI extensions and components PhantomKit is a collection of many useful Swift and SwiftUI extensions and components. 26 May 2021
Tab Bars Custom tabbar with modal presentation created in SwiftUI Custom tabbar with modal presentation created in SwiftUI. 20 May 2021
Alerts A µFramework for showing alerts like the one used when copying from pasteboard A µFramework for showing alerts like the one used when copying from pasteboard or connecting Apple pencil. 08 May 2021
SwiftUI An animatable SwiftUI Shape for drawing a trapezoid with variably slanted offset sides An animatable SwiftUI Shape for drawing a trapezoid with variably slanted offset sides. 04 May 2021
Router Easy and maintainable app navigation with path based routing for SwiftUI With SwiftUI Router you can power your SwiftUI app with path based routing. 26 April 2021
SwiftUI Simple workout and progress tracking app using SwiftUI Simple workout and progress tracking app for fitness freaks with Widget support. 20 April 2021
Circular A custom circular progress bar made in SwiftUI A custom circular progress bar made in SwiftUI. 17 April 2021
SwiftUI Create animated irregular gradients in SwiftUI A SwiftUI library for rendering beautiful, animated and irregular gradient views. 05 April 2021
SwiftUI A collection of missing SwiftUI components A collection of components that will simplify and accelerate your iOS development. 30 March 2021
SwiftUI Repository for learning to develop iOS application using SwiftUI In the Landmarks app, a user can flag their favorite places, and filter the list to show just their favorites. 23 March 2021
SwiftUI A SwiftUI Toolbar for your iOS keyboard A SwiftUI Toolbar that sits on top of the keyboard. 21 March 2021
Countdown Countdown Tracker app built using SwiftUI and MVVM Architecture Countdown Tracker app built using SwiftUI and MVVM Architecture. 06 March 2021
SwiftUI Simple and elegant implementation of the Coordinator pattern in SwiftUI Simple, powerful and elegant implementation of the Coordinator pattern in SwiftUI. 27 February 2021
Toast A simple and lightweight Toast for SwiftUI SimpleToast is a simple, lightweight and easy to use library to show toasts / popup notifications inside your iOS or MacOS application in SwiftUI. 25 February 2021
Alerts Create Apple-like alerts using SwiftUI Currently, in Swift the only way to inform the user about a process is by using Alert. 22 February 2021
Neumorphic A SwiftUI utility to build Neumorphism Soft UI Neumorphic is a SwiftUI utility to build Neumorphism Soft UI easily using custom view modifier and custom button style. 15 February 2021
ViewPager SwiftUI view enabling page-based navigation in iOS SwiftUI view enabling page-based navigation, imitating the behaviour of UIPageViewController in iOS. 14 February 2021
Apps A Simple Expense Tracker App built to demonstrate the use of SwiftUI A Simple Expense Tracker App iphone built to demonstrate the use of SwiftUI 08 February 2021
SwiftUI A very simple Rick & Morty app to demo GraphQL + SwiftUI Crash reporting UI tests with simple SwiftUI layout and Trace SPM integration. 04 February 2021
SwiftUI A SwiftUI package to handle permissions A SwiftUI package to beautifully display and handle permissions. 03 February 2021
SwiftUI Simple macOS menu bar app to view and interact with reminders Simple macOS menu bar application to view and interact with reminders. 22 January 2021
SwiftUI Introspect underlying UIKit components from SwiftUI Introspect allows you to get the underlying UIKit or AppKit element of a SwiftUI view. 18 January 2021
Markdown A library for rendering Markdown in SwiftUI MarkdownUI is a library for rendering Markdown in SwiftUI, fully compliant with the CommonMark Spec. 17 January 2021
Transitions A library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions Router is a library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions. 16 January 2021
BottomSheet A sliding Sheet from the bottom of the Screen with 3 States build with SwiftUI A sliding Sheet from the bottom of the Screen with 3 States build with SwiftUI. 15 January 2021
svg Tool to convert SVG to SwiftUI's Shape structure This approach is much more memory efficient than introducing a SVG library for rendering. 07 January 2021
SwiftUI Simple ratio based image cropper for SwiftUI Simple ratio based image cropper for SwiftUI. 22 December 2020
Text Render attributed strings with SwiftUI AttributedText is a Swift µpackage that provides NSAttributedString rendering in SwiftUI. 19 December 2020
Icon Create iOS and macOS application icon in Xcode with SwiftUI Create iOS and macOS application icon in Xcode with SwiftUI. 14 December 2020
SwiftUI SwiftUIKit contains additional functionality for SwiftUI SwiftUIKit adds extra functionality to SwiftUI. 13 December 2020
Notifications An iOS App written in SwiftUI to send push notifications fueled An iOS App written in SwiftUI to send push notifications fueled by Siri Shortcuts. 06 December 2020
Cards A SwiftUI card view made great for setup interactions A SwiftUI card design, similar to the one used by Apple in HomeKit, AirPods and Apple Card setup, NFC scanning, Wi-Fi password sharing and more. 04 December 2020
SwiftUI Fake SwiftUI based on UIKit & RxSwift Fake SwiftUI based on UIKit & RxSwift. 01 December 2020
TextField Custom TextField in SwiftUI This repo is a tutorial on how to create custom TextField and different ways to make them reusable. 30 November 2020
Search A lightweight UISearchController wrapper for SwiftUI A small, lightweight UISearchController wrapper for SwiftUI. 25 November 2020
Apps Simple app to show usage of SwiftUI and Combine Simple app to show usage of SwiftUI and Combine. 09 November 2020